Paul Meehl Graduate School

Whether a principle is sound—tends to facilitate approaching an epistemic aim—is an empirical question, answerable only by history of science.

Paul E. Meehl, 1992


News Page

New workshop announced: A Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science (WORCS)

We are excited to announce that registration is now open for our first workshop of the new academic year. In the morning session, Casper van Lissa will introduce the fundamental principles of reproducible... Read more

First PMGS PhD Day Conference

We're excited to announce that registration is now open for the first Paul Meehl Graduate School PhD Day conference. This session can present a great oppuntunity for PhD students to get feedback on their work from experts and peers ... Read more

New workshop announced: Advanced Topics in Data Simulation

We're excited to announce that registration is now open for the fourth (and the last for this academic year) workshop of the Paul Meehl Graduate School. During the morning session, Lisa DeBruine will discuss ... Read more

New workshop announced: Value, Diversity and Epistemic Inclusion in Science

We're excited to announce that registration is now open for the third workshop of the Paul Meehl Graduate School. During the morning session, Vlasta Sikimić will delve into the network of values ... Read more

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